Noelle Garcia &
David McHugh
Catholic speakers, musicians, and more.
A bit about her
Noelle Garcia is a Catholic recording artist and speaker, wife, and mom to six kids. She travels the country sharing the faith through witness, Scripture, catechesis, and music. For over ten years Noelle has shared her ministry at events such as Steubenville Youth Conferences, the National Catholic Youth Conference, LA Congress, and many others. Her main topics include sharing her witness of struggling with depression and self-harm, and having faith during suffering. She has three music albums - her latest “Wonderfully Made” — is a project she did with her husband, David McHugh. Noelle also has several Lighthouse Media talks and projects on Formed.org with Augustine Institute. Noelle has a Masters of Theological Studies from Newman University. She serves as the Director of Programs for EQSaints and resides in Oklahoma City.

A bit about him
David McHugh is a percussive guitar player and singer songwriter who invented and patented his own “drum trigger pick guards”. This invention allows him to create a beat and strum the guitar at the same time. David uses his unique music as a platform to capture the attention of the audience so he can share the Gospel through teaching and witness.